Washoe County Dog Nanny & Training
Walk & Trainer, Caregiver, Sitter, Trainer, Play Partner, Nurse, Behavior Modifier, and so much more….. a K9 Nanny

Providing customized Dog Nanny care, like child care but for dogs. We focus on enrichment to enforce positive behavior, keeping the dog on their established routines, implementing training techniques to alleviate anxieties, and provide piece of mind for the humans.
Our K9 Nanny Gallery

Booking Your K9 Nanny
All clients are provided a standing or unique (per service) quote based on dogs and household individual requirements and only AFTER an initial Consultation is completed. Pricing for overnight services are quoted on a 24 hr basis and rounded up to the nearest 25% of a 24 hr period (6 hours). The 24 hr quoted price is charged for all single overnight services, regardless of the hours booked.
Fill out the form below to book your initial consultation.
Please send all booking requests to booking@prodogmom.com. If you are a registered client, you will receive a Google Calendar Invite. Please accept the Google Calendar Invite to confirm the booking. If you are NOT a registered client, a Consultation will need to be scheduled before any bookings can be confirmed.
775.800.6710 or 866.K9.Nanny or email booking@prodogmom.com for Nanny care or training@prodogmom.com for training. Please include as much information as possible: new or registered client, dates of service, if new client provide 3 date/time options for a Consultation, any special needs details.
Professional Dog Mom confirms reservations on a first-come, first-serve basis.